Online Estimate

$100 Cash FREE

Save Time and Money with our 98% proven to be correct system.

Our online estimates are a great way to get the price on your blinds when you're just looking for an idea of the price or you know what you want and don’t need a salesperson to come out. 98% of the time they are correct and don’t change.

We believe in the system so much that if we are wrong, we will give you $100 cash.

All you have to do is fill in this form and submit it.

Then take some pics and/or give us some measurements (don’t panic about making them perfect) and send them to 0431 908 528 (make sure the phone number you use is the same number on the form you submitted. If you don’t know measurements and you can’t take pics, don’t worry, we will call you and go through it with you.

We will then organize a quote and send it to you. That’s how easy it is.

If you like what you see, just accept it and we’ll be in contact.

When we come to do the final measure-up, the price will stay the same or we will give you back your deposit plus $100 cash and that doesn’t happen much.

If you have any questions, just ring text, ring, message, or email. All our details are here:

If you would prefer us to come out and see you, then fill in this form and we’ll be in contact.